Is Mani Bella switching to Gospel Music ? Discover her latest song “Amen”
Is Mani Bella switching to Gospel Music ? Discover her latest song “Amen” . Mani bella Amen
Bikutsi diver Mani Bella has hit the studio again this year. Many people were waiting for a hot song but Mani Bella surprised “her children” this time with a slow jam tagged amen.
When she was asked what inspired her go write this song, here is what Mani Bella said 👇
“Here is the inspiration behind this song by Mani Bella:

The loss of my grandmother plunged me into deep grief because she was the only parent I had left.
I felt for the first time alone in the world then, I turned to the Lord because I needed his strength to move forward!
May this song soothe wounded hearts, restore your souls and bring you peace, hope and security. All in the love of THE ETERNAL our GOD. AMEN.”
Watch Mani Bella – Amen video

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