Algerians accuse Algerian BeIN Sports reporter for false hopes.


Algerians accuse Algerian BeIN Sports reporter for giving them false hopes about the Algeria vs Cameroon world cup playoffs match replay.

Algerian news commentator HAFID DERRADJI who works for popular sports platform BeIn Sports is not accused on social media for giving them false hopes about Algeria vs Cameroon match which Cameroon won (2-1).

This journalist lead the online campaign and constantly talked against Gassama who was the referee of the match. In his long articles, Hafid Derradji evoked, without giving any proof, doubts about the meetings that the referee Bakary Gassama was able to do in Dakar, Rabat and Tunisia before joining Algeria for the match between the Fennecs and the Indomitable Lions.

Algerians were strongly behind him and trended a lot of hashtags but tables turned immediately after they were sanctioned and the decision was made that there will be no replay.

Photo : Twitter

<<All these people who gave false hopes are accountable, starting with important people in Algerian football >>, Thus launched Romain Molina, considering that if there had indeed been errors of arbitration on the part of Bakary Gassama, they were not enough to replay the match as wished by the Algerian Football Federation.

Screenshot from twitter

This time, the journalist does not blame FIFA but CAF. “All the federations of African countries are called upon to react to save CAF from kidnapping”he wrote, adding a hashtag « #Stopcafcorruption »>.


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