Blind man wins 150k and more from YuAfrika talent hunt organized by Lesline…… ( See more )


In January 2023, Cameroonian Gospel singer and songwriter LesLinè organized an orphanage Talent Hunt at the Women Empowerment Center, Mile One, Limbe where Blind man wins 150k and more from after singing at YuAfrika orphanage talent hunt

Announcing the Visually Impaired man’s price, Lisline writes

So this young man did his own composed song at the OTH and emerged fourth position, he is visually impaired yet Carrie’s a powerful stage presence and a beautiful voice. He went home with over a 150.000frs, 2 recording deals of his own composed songs, a spot at the Limbè Got Talent, a music video production amongst other pledges and benefits.

This can only be God and it can only be seen at the ORPHANAGE TALENT HUNT by the Yuafrika team.

Thanks to everyone who believed in the dream🙏😭 more updates coming on my page LesLinè.

LesLinè YuAfrika Soul Center orphanage Talent Hunt
LesLinè YuAfrika Soul Center orphanage Talent Hunt

Before launching the Talent Hunt, LesLinè shared her story and how she Developed passion for Philanthropy.

Growing up as a child to a widowed mother, in a community that does not support talent ignited my passion for the vulnerable community.

I am called Ewimbong Lesline Ndoh, Gospel music minister and CEO/Co-founder of YuAfrika Soul Center.

After the birth of YuAfrika in 2019, we started off with 5 orphanage visits in two years to offer counseling, support, and entertainment to the children. However, over the years we have noticed a common trend of “giving out fish” to these children, and so we aim at changing the narratives by “teaching how to fish”.

YuAfrika soul center is organizing an Orphanage Talent Hunt to identify talents (craft, music, dancing, arts of any kind) in these kids, followed by a bootcamp on Empowerment, talent acquisition development, and self branding. This will be crowned by a shared meal from our restaurant with the orphanages.

As we look forward to solving SDG2, SDG 17 remains a vital element.

We are thus open for partnership and

sponsorship of any kind.

Details on the flyer


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