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Cleo Grae is as of now one of the best rappers in the industry, his style of Rap is compared to none in the industry, Although he has not been long in the game , I can tell you that his impact is well felt by most Cameroonians, he just needs our support to bring all the most prestigious awards home and to represent us in any level .

He is very consistent and vibrant , from when Cleo grae started Music his has not only collaborated with Tzy panchak in songs like NASO, who be actor and many others he has equally collaborated with Koc in a song titled GHANA MUST GO , this is just to name a few of his collaborations his singles Vero , MONEY are great Rap song too, he also participated in this year’s Nabstarcypher along side mic monsta , boytag , young holiday and others , this is just to show us that CLEO is here to stay so he isn’t stoping anytime soon .

Humbleness this is one of the highest character that if any musician poses you must definitely go far , you can’t argue but agree with me that Cleo Grae is very humble ,he doesn’t only share the works others in the industry but he respects you will never hear him In an online saga with any one , always on his lane .


His is struggling to build a fan base that will be answerable to him , on like musicians who go around buying established pages with thousands of followers , he has been working so hard to make sure that he builds a fan base that will be ready to support him anytime any day ,


The team working with him are doing a very great job , it is not an easy task to make it as rapper in Cameroon , but I believe he is going to be great coupled with his talent his great team is solidly behind him .


CLEO GRAE is a good rapper , his style is different from other, let’s all join hands to push this young lad forward .





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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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