Omolade Oyetundun, a fast-rising Nigerian artist better known by her stage name Lade, announced that she will be returning to her native Nigeria while reflecting on how draining her time in the UK had been.
The “Adulthood Na Scam” hitmaker explained on Instagram why she intends to move back to Nigeria after spending some time in the UK.
According to Lade, the United Kingdom is quite chaotic in comparison to how Nigerians at home see it. She highlighted the amount of work needed to maintain a basic lifestyle while dealing with the bad weather.
She advised Nigerians with relatives in the Queen’s nation to never complain about how little money they receive and to always be grateful when they do.
“UK is overhyped, everybody is working back to back. When you see your family member come from UK and come to Nigeria and you ask them for money and they are doing one kind, please don’t blame them”
She gave a shout-out to those who had to endure living in the UK, Nigerians abroad and those joggling school and work at the same time.
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