Access Music Conference Kigali 2024: Calling on all African music stakeholders to register and attend.

Entertainment and Arts

The Access Music conference, put on by Music In Africa, creates a bridge for everyone in the African music scene.

It brings together singers, songwriters, record label folks, and music fans from all over Africa and even other countries. The conference helps them work together, share ideas, and learn how to make music a better business.

This year’s Access Music Conference will be held at Kigali Convention Center, Rwanda from November 14 to 16.

This year’s conference will also highlight on the importance of using new technology and clever ways to make music, helping African artists get more relevance, and connecting people who work in the music industry.

But Access Music Conference doesn’t stop there! They also have special opportunities that helps promising young artists and projects. They also have a website with lots of news, advice, and opportunities for people in the music business all over Africa.

With the above mentioned, you can see how important Access Music Conference is for the present and future of African music. It helps make sure that music from Africa keeps getting better, reaches more people, and becomes a bigger part of the world.

The 2024 Music In Africa Conference is for Collaborations, Exchange And Showcases and will be held in Kigali Convention Center, Rwanda, from 14 – 16 November, 2024.

Countries represented: 50+

Snr industry players: 100+

Total attendance: 1,500+

Performers: 80+



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Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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