Amongst this three Comedians who made you laugh in 2020 ?

Entertainment and Arts

Three outstanding comedians that are doing well in the comedy sector In Cameroon entertainment industry

Comedy is of the most difficult sectors to venture into as far as entertainment is concerned, been a comedian you must be natural and extremely funny , very creative , very interactive and educative as well .
In Cameroon they comedy sector I must say has been experiencing a drastic change, creativity is on the rise amongst comedians every comedian wants to stay relevant and current, below are some 3 outstanding comedians that can’t be left out as far as comedy is concerned in Cameroon .

Rapolo a very good instagram comedian , he is very creative and very funny as well , this comedian uses the political nature of Cameroon to create all kinds of comedy skits, and I bet you can’t help it but laugh when ever you watch his comedy skits , he acts sometimes as the president of Cameroon. Rapalo has produced a good number of comedy videos and I must they are extremely good and very funny , this has made him to gain many fans both nationally and internationally.

Under_belle237 is a very creative and funny comedian too , he is very real in all his comedy videos , he uses daily live happenings to create all kinds of comedy skits and I must say it is extremely funny , it has not been long he came into the comedy sphere but I will say he is doing well more than a handful of comedians in Cameroon, he is on everyone’s lips and phones , he has captured the heart of his fans and knows just what to give them when ever they need and how they need it, he always end his videos with maff

DANNY GREEN FRESHKING the crying man, very creative as well , he uses his hears to put smiles of people’s faces , you can’t help it but laugh out your lungs when ever you watch his videos, he is the own if the brand ENERGY GANG which has been of most outstanding brands in Cameroon. He recently created another brand SENSE WANT KILL ME and it’s doing well too, every time you come accrocs Danny Green FreshKing he always cry and you must laugh this has been his source of creativity and it’s working for him .

Judging from this 3 outstanding anglophone comedians which of them can you say is your best amongst all ?



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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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