

The ENERGY you dish out to your fans, friends and family has great impact  in their lives for some   reasons you might no know.  And we will  be discussing  some of them   here.

We miss use the opportunities we have because of bad influence and most of this influence comes from the media. When you follow someone on the media it’s because we love the person but there are for some people it’s because of their talent and what they are capable of doing  huuuuh enough of the lecture let’s get this talk started.

Media influencers are like stake holders. Their fans listens to them and support almost everything they do as if they are blind forgetting to know that person has made it already in life. This will make life definitely difficult for you a student or house help trying to live like a government worker so they will be in rush to be like their roll models.

Your followers look up to you  and are not ready to miss any update from you let’s take  ANU Anu Jovette Atabong for example I can’t afford to miss any update from him  because I know he carries positive energy and is aimed at developing the   Nation and also a great leader. This is an example of someone who cares about his followers.

Our future depends on what we do today. Do you think copying my life style will make you better ?

This roll models you see out there, 90% of them don’t even care about you. As an influencer the content you share each moment should be  positive.

When we see posts about sexuality, rubbing or drugs it always catches our attention to read them . Many of this content changes our direction of thinking and you start doing them of which the person you’re copying from might be an artist that doesn’t smoke in real but does when on set this are some things we ought to understand them and not to copy them.

The ENERGY you dish out to your fans, friends and family has great impact  in their lives for some   reasons you might no know.  And we will  be discussing  some of them   here.

We miss use the opportunities we have because of bad influence and most of this influence comes from the media. When you follow someone on the media it’s because we love the person but there are for some people it’s because of their talent and what they are capable of doing  huuuuh enough of the lecture let’s get this talk started.

Media influencers are like stake holders. Their fans listens to them and support almost everything they do as if they are blind forgetting to know that person has made it already in life. This will make life definitely difficult for you a student or house help trying to live like a government worker so they will be in rush to be like their roll models.

Your followers look up to you  and are not ready to miss any update from you let’s take  ANU Anu Jovette Atabong for example I can’t afford to miss any update from him  because I know he carries positive energy and is aimed at developing the   Nation and also a great leader. This is an example of someone who cares about his followers.

Our future depends on what we do today. Do you think copying my life style will make you better ?

This roll models you see out there, 90% of them don’t even care about you. As an influencer the content you share each moment should be  positive.

When we see posts about sexuality, rubbing or drugs it always catches our attention to read them . Many of this content changes our direction of thinking and you start doing them of which the person you’re copying from might be an artist that doesn’t smoke in real but does when on set this are some things we ought to understand them and not to copy them.


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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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