Big Joe ft Dynastie Le Tigre – “on’t s’en fout” ( watch video)

Latest Cameroon Music


Big Joe teams up with french artiste Dynasties Le Tigre to release a new song titled “Don’t s’en fout”.

On’t S’en Fout, is set to valorized the deeply rooted African rhythms. Nostalgically, it’s a fusion of Rumba from the Central African Republic (Democratic Republic of Congo) and Soul Makossa from Cameroon The same rhyme further valorizes High Life, which cuts across Ghana and Nigeria from West Africa.

The rhythm also glorifies Hip Hop and entertainment which is a universal anthem to all other continental gandre. Equally, On’t S’en Fout is an outstanding melody, which gives the listener the ability to trace back his / her roots while listening to the music in question. Finally, the language used is stricto sensor a Cameroonian language incline, which cuts from English, French, pigin English and dialects in both francophone and Anglophone Cameroon (Bulu in the centre region and the Ngemba’s in the North West region).

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