Biography of Dabling , net worth, real names , age and more | SEE HERE

Entertainment and Arts

Biography of Dabling with real names Sona Emmanuel Besingi professionally known as Dabling is a Cameroonian singer born on October 27th, 1994 . He was born in Kumba, South West region of Cameroon. He rose tow prominence with the release of the song “Bolo” which made rounds on social media and people could easily relate to it because of the message.


Dabling is from a family of 4 ( 3 boys and 1 girl) .

As a kid, Dabling has always loved music. He started engaging in music since 2013 back in his hometown Kumba where he used to do freestyles with friends.


In 2021, Dabling took music as a profession and recorded his first song featuring Motobanga and Jkriss titled “power”. After releasing his debut song, he released 3 track EP titled “full voltage” to define his sound of music.

In 2022, Dabling released his solo album titled “I’m different” made up of 8 tracks. The album is to solidify his sound after defining it in “full voltage EP”.



– Full voltage


I’m Different

Net worth : $5,000 ( lastly updated in February 2022).

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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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