Biography of Diamond Inter ( Cameroon richest entertainer) real name, Age , net worth

Entertainment and Arts
Diamond Inter

Biography of Diamond Inter ( Cameroon richest entertainer) Signed under YaMoh Entertainment. Born Marc Prince David professionally known as Diamond Inter is a Cameroonian song writer and singer and who started music professionally in 2017.

He was born on December 25th, 1985 in Bamenda, Cameroon to a family of 4 as the first born and only boy with three female siblings with origin from the Mankon tribe.


Diamond Inter attended Government primary school Alakuma from the late 80s and completed in the early 90s where he got his first school leaving certificate ( FSLC).

Diamond Inter

He later on went to Longla Comprehensive College Mankon where he had Ordinary levels and advance level certificate then moved from Bamenda to Buea for university studies and graduated with a degree in Mass Communication.


Diamond Inter started music professionally in the year 2017 and before then he has been doing playbacks of his favorite songs.

He released his first song “Sawadi Khrap” where he encourage people about setbacks, telling them ” a setback is a setup for a grand comeback”.

From there, Diamond has been very consistent releasing music and he keeps getting better everyday.


Sorry, we’re still trying to confirm his actual net worth but from words on the street it is in millions of dollars but we will update this article once we get the information.

Diamond Inter


He has released a couple of songs in the past and now ( may 2022) he wants to take his music career to another level

Follow him on all social media platforms as.

Instagram: @Diamond_Inter (click here)

YouTube: @Diamond_Inter  ( click here )

Facebook : Diamond Inter ( click here )



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