Biography of Lemka ( real name, net worth , age ) and latest Songs


Biography of Lemka ( real name, net worth , age ) and latest Songs


Lemka, whose real name is Prosper Lemka is a Cameroonian song writer, Mboko rapper and artiste from Nso, North West Region Cameroon. Born on August 17th, 1998, the rapper has always used music to promote his heritage and culture as he sings in his local language ( Lãmnso’) and blend it with other languages like English.

Early life

Born and raised in Sop, Lemka attended St Thereseas Catholic Primary School, Sop and after obtaining his first school leaving certificate ( FSLC) Lemka went on to St Sylvester’s Comprehensive college Sop where he attended secondary school.

Growing up in the village (Sop, Nso), he listened to a lot of Rhymes and rhythms which shaped him musically. The Catholic school teachings changed his perceptive about life and he decided to share his thoughts through music.


Music career.

Starting out as an artiste, Lemka participated in several music challenges to boost his music career before dropping an official song. He jumped on “Give Challenge” by Magasco, “Grind Challenge” by Tzy Panchak which helped him gather some fans before the release of his debut single “Folaka” in 2021.

Music lovers received “Folaka” with a lot of love and appreciated the artistes talent which pushed him to release another single which was followed by his debut EP “Birth Right” which is made up of 6 songs.

In this EP, Lemka solidified his music style. ( Listen here  ) .

Mic Monsta is Lemka’s music inspiration, follow Lemka on all social media for more ( click on the name to follow ) 👇

Facebook: Lemka Official

Instagram: @Lemkaofficial4

YouTube: Lemka Official


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Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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