Bobe Yerima Afo Akom is 40 years old in the music scene this year, 2023. Here are some of his achievements and his message to the Youths

Entertainment and Arts

Bobe Yerima Afo Akom changed his name so he can easily promote his culture. 👌

Here’s his message to the Youths in 2022 (last year)

“Hello contri pipo.


When I began my cry for SALVATION shortly after the return of one of our greatest cultural symbol AFO AKOM in 1972/73 that was stolen from the KOM palace in 1966 when I was still 10 years old,

My ambitions were to promote the KOM culture . The Njang MANJON melodies from the grass field.

I also went as far to modify my name to suit the culture of the people, putting in millions of France single handedly just to promote the history of AFO AKOM and kom that was almost disappearing.

YES for over 39 years of my muscal carrier. it has been, and still my own greatest contributions towards development in kom in all the aspect , especially in the KOM palace that i have been advocating for world wide.

warming up with five other friends to attend a tea time dance usually organize every Sunday in Kom by
AFO AKOM from 12noon after second mass to 6 pm.Out of six friends,we are only three of us remaining Who from kom can guess where this picture was snap in 1975.

A few years ago after presenting all my National and international awards to HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS F.Vincent YUH the 2nd during his last Holy Mass that was celebrated by HE Bishop Nkuo in the KOM palace, I was crowned with the title great totable alias AKAMA CULTURE where H.R.H personally handed over to me my Royal dancing Waka stick known as MBANG authorized and own by very few of us in the KOM Land saying ahead ahead with the KOM culture over the hills and mountains .

Thomases should check on the actions of H.R.H IN my Video Titled (NJANG WAIN). YES! AKAMA CULTURE. a yet to be known one of the Highest Titles in KOM by many like the other’s .”

Bobe Yerima Afo Akom just released the official video of his hit single “We Hate ourselves and it’s available on all streaming platforms ( watch & enjoy ) 👇


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Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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