PHOTO: Breda Biya disowns mother and father ( Chantal Biya and President Paul Biya) | PHOTOS

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The daughter of Cameroon’s president Breda Biya disowns mother and father publicly on Snapchat.

In a Snapchat story today November 8th, Cameroon she said 👇

I ain’t got parents. From the go they been absent never raised, never gave me love like an actual child. Everything is fine as long as you in their power grasp. All they care about is their image.I don’t think that’s a parent. So from now on ain’t got no mum or dad. I ain’t got no blood no brothers. Kiss my ass. Call me crazy whatever I know what love looks like and it’s not my own siblings and parents conspiring against me.My mum ain’t never want to see me grow. My dad neither. Don’t nobody wanna give me wings to achieve shit. Wings to be my own person. Silence my fault but with that y’all ain’t got no daughter.”

After saying this on her older story same day. “Thanks mum and dad y’all never hearing my name again I don’t care if I die in here. I have no love for y’all. So use ur power to abuse me idc. Power gone to They head. Your child don’t love you no more. And I don’t give a shit I said it.If u can treat me like you treat any ordinary cameroonian and anglophone people I don’t care. No amount of money nothing will ever buy me. Y’all can forget me I ain’t want to bend to your rules.A parent children relationship should not be a dictator submissive one. From now on not your child. These white doctors managed to separate us and I ain’t got no parents no more.It’s crazy how manipulative calculatrice these blankets are enough to get between BLOod. Idc no more but from now on I ain’t got parents that is not how parents treat a child. Say what you will !!!”
Do you think this is another way for her to trend as usual ?

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Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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