Entertainment and Arts

We have different types of supporters, as an artist you need to be able to know the type of people that loves what you do.There are many types of supporters at times artist will drop tracks and only their family members and close friends will buy it why ? Because they’ve got no fan base. Do you know your genre of music is what that makes you to be recognized everywhere ?

Following a particular genre of music makes is the best way to maintain you supporters. I know you are very talented but with a particular genre of music you are easily recognized. Before writing this blog post I visited some artist profiles and their bio wasn’t good for me. One artist doing RAP, Njang, Afro pop, R&B, Dancehall is it normal ? 🤣 Your genre is supposed to be like an ID for someone like Jovi when you hear his name what comes to your mind ?
He is unique an maintains his genre anywhere he goes.

This helps him to maintain his fans cause anytime he drops everyone knows it’s mboko not like you know artist today as rappers and tomorrow the become singers, many of your fans don’t follow you but your genre and when you switch they are more likely to leave you.

Before continuing with your career you have to think about this what does the community sees me to be ? Which music genre represents me ?


When you think of these things you will know
1) where to find your fans 2) where to build your fan base.
3) tye people that love your music

What new did you learn today ? Let’s hear from you below 👇


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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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