Climate activist Jato Sonita and Defyhatenow WCA are giving out 150,000 Frs to fight against Climate Change – see how to win (click here)


Over the years, Jato Sonita has proven to be more than just an “artiste” but also a great cultural influencer who constantly organise and partake in Climate change activities.

The multi-talented singer, Jato Sonita who prides herself as the “Forest child” has launched another campaign for “Climate Change” in partnership with Defyhatenow_WCA & Civic Watch Cameroon and this time around, there are prizes to be won.

Follow the rules below 👇

1- make a video of about 1-2 minutes explaining (in any language) what you understand by climate misinformation and how the world can combat climate change.

2-in your video, dance or vibe to one of jato sonita’s songs

(light your fire, warawa or suffer pikin) before or after

👉 your presentation.

3-send your videos via whatsapp to +237 675041121

4- facebook likes,comments and views shall make up 70% while content,charisma and creativity of the participant shall make up 30%.

5-there is no age limit and participants are free to perform as

individuals or groups.

6-registration is free. all you have to do is send your videos and and follow jato sonita and @defyhatenowwca now on all social media platforms

For more information 👇

WHATSAPP: +237 675 04 11 21 EMAIL: [email protected]


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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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