Clinton Njie has not been taking care of his child with Briana Lesly, Dready Christ reveals | Photos

Entertainment and Arts

After Beta tinz made a post on August 28th to congratulate Clinton Njie for giving out 13.5 million to schools in the South West region as aid, Dready Christ shocked many people in the comment section.

The artist revealed that the international soccer player has not been taking care of his child but goes out to give aid to others. He further asked a question if all that the soccer player is doing it for clout.

I’d make sure charity for kids starts with my own, then proceed to reach out to help others.

But apparently, that’s not how the world works; we’d rather live for clout…? Pathetically” this was his comment under the post.

Here are the photos of Briana Lesly and Clinton Njie’s son.

Dready Christ and Clinton Njie’s Son.
Photo: Beta tinz.

Would you rather give help to an outsider to trend or help your own and not trend ?

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