Did you know ? Some women get pregnant and abort just to have bigger boobs ? ( See prove)
Did you know ? Some women get pregnant and abort just to have bigger boobs ? ( See prove).
Someone made a post about this on facebook few days ago and I couldn’t believe but told myself nothing is impossible in this era.
I consulted a few female friends and they said it’s possible. But they had different options some Said ladies nowadays have done a lot of awful untill some have lost trust in them selves so many do get pregnant just to test their fertility while others do it for big breast.
Are you not sure your girlfriend got pregnant and aborted it before her boobs suddenly become huge ? But some women have big boobs naturally so take note!

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Gospel truth which many don’t know. This is undeniable true for it rang a bell in my head and’s something I’ve learnt today. We indeed learn everyday.
Murder will out.
Na God gift ooh