Discover:- Here Are some 06 Artist Managers in Cameroon you need to know| kimbi blog

Entertainment and Arts

Ahmed Baron

In the music business, Ahmed Baron aka Designer Purple has successfully made a name for himself.

Ahmed Baron has been a manager to Tzy Panchak for over four years now, he built Tzy Panchak from an upcoming artist to an established and he was only made known after the “Ngwane Denzel Vs Tzy Panchak saga”. You can’t mention top 5 male artist in Cameroon now without Tzy Panchak.
He is still doing an amazing job Tzy Panchak‘s team an as an artiste manager.

Johnathan Bapidi

He is one of the most successful artiste managers in Cameroon’s music industry, he manages Stanley Enow.

Last year 2020 when all other artist were crying ( covid-19) his artist had over 10 ambassador deals. No doubt, Bapidi‘s inclusion in Stanley‘s musical career has been very fruitful to Stanley’s success. Stanley Enow is also regarded as most successful Anglophone artist in Cameroon.

Eva Ndumbe

This lady has a lot to offer when it comes to building & sustaining a successful career, she basically held Magasco’s career when he left ” Empire Company” and the artist has been able to main his position over the years.

She is the manager to BBoy Records and Magasco, she stands as Sonny Music country representative.

Donald Woods.

Donald woods aka hypeman is one of those artist managers I’ll say he has understood what it takes for an artist to make a hit in Cameroon.

He has a very deep understanding when it comes to marketing and engaging with music lovers, last year he showed his expertise in Ko-c’s management and He was been able to maintain ko-c’s name.

Ade Bertrand.

Ade Bertrand is currently the manager to Salatiel and Alpha Better records.

Ade Bertrand has contributed a lot in Salatiel’s success and what he is currently enjoying now. In a speech at Muzikol Music awards business talk day, he revealed that he answered Beyonce’s calls for his artist to feature in “water” from Beyonce’s album at 2:00 AM. This shows how he sacrifices sleep to make his artist more successful.

Salatiel’s album “Africa represented” featured artists’ all over Africa, this shows how connected he is.

Jules Nya.

Jules Nya is a talent manager, A&R and has a lot to offer when it comes to music business.

Jules has managed someone which people referred to as a leaving legend and it is Jovi. His work positively impacted Jovi’s career and somehow contribute to his growth and the position he holds now in the industry.
He was the manager of “MUMARK”, a record label where , Jovi and other Cameroon artistes were discovered.

We see Vera Ngandjui who is currently managing Kameni to be worth a mention.

Hope you enjoyed that, thanks for reading and keep enjoying BDM 11 – party


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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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