DO YOU AGREE ? If all Cameroonian Pastors do this Unemployment & Poverty rate will reduce in Cameroon ( see why ).

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A pastor mounted the podium few years back to preach and he asked all business owners, managers, directors of firms to step forward to the alter.

They’ll did about 40 of them. Guess they thought it was the usual end of the month prayer and anointing. He went further and asked all willing but unemployed youths in church to step out as well and the number was massive.

He handed two unemployed youths to each of the business owners, managers…. and asked them to be paying them minimum wage until they are able to secure them jobs if truly he is their Pastor.

Two months later, the unemployment rate in the church dropped from about 40% to 10%. And by the third month, every unemployed youth in church had a job.

Is this not the power of influence and strategic thinking ? Unfortunately, 99% of Camerooonian Pastors focuses on extorting money from church members instead. They rather build 100 M seaters capacity church while their church members suffer in Poverty and some even brag about buying a private jet during Coronavirus Pandemic 🙆🙆.

DO YOU AGREE ? If all Cameroonian Pastors do this , unemployment & poverty will reduce

Let’s hear from you all 👇


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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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