Do you think I the whole Anglophone community doesn’t vote for Stanley Enow he will still win ?

Entertainment and Arts

For the past years now a very big problem has been in our industry between two of our most valuable musicians of which none of the fans of both parties can say the cause for this problem but can predict a solution. Both of them have very helpful in the growth of Cameroon Music both nationally and internationally in one way or the other . The problem between this two has been on for a long time but no one can say the exact cause of the problem as they alway say “When two elephants di fight booh na grass di suffer” .

The two musicians might no longer having malice with each other but you the fans will never know 😂😂.

Recently Stanley Enow has been nominated for this year’s MTV Base award in the category BEST FRANCOPHONE‌ ARTIST , he even opened the show with Jovi’s song WTF! this is a huge opportunity for us all to join and support him to make this award come home but rather fans of his peers go around trolling all sorts of insult , can you believe that jovi must have already voted for stanley enow but you guys can’t know you bash him everyday simply because he appreciated a number of Cameroon artist without mentioning your favorites name .
If we want Cameroon to grow its high time we fans allow this artists settle what ever they have in private , support any of them when ever they need it , this is for Cameroon not for your favorite artist .

He even dedicated it to some of his colleuges.

In Cameroon there is a lot of work to do why not concentrate on building the house rather than scattering the house simply because a room wasn’t built the way you wanted to be built ?

Do you even know if Stanley wins this award know it will bring great opportunities to our country ? Those people who voted for Fally Ipupa, Inoss’B will be like who won that award when we really put in our best ? Through that they’ll discover many upcoming artist in Cameroon and try to connect with us Internationally.

Most Cameroonian artists who brand their selves as Anglophones literally has no following on social media, many have complained about the Anglophones of recent that they don’t support but all they do is criticize. ( Remember the peaceful protest in Yaoundé) they said Francophones congratulated their artist who matched but Anglophones down graded them throwing insults and all kinds of names.

It’s a fact that majority of this country are Francophones and they support a lot, why won’t they stand behind Stanley Enow ? Let’s watch out for the results.

This is for Cameroon 🇨🇲

#kimbiblog #StanleyEnow #jovi #MAMA


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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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