No new song from Ego Pride and Prido, here is why and what they want | SEE HERE.

Entertainment and Arts

No new song from Ego Pride and Prido, here is why and what they want | SEE HERE.

Hello guys, hope you’re doing well. Ego Pride from the newly created music dou Ego & Prido made a post on Social yesterday and we think they won’t be releasing a new single anytime soon.

Early 2021, Yxng Prido who was under ATM ENTERTAINMENT by then invited Ego Pride ( called Nas Pride by then ) on a song titled ‘Ekie’ . After that Ego Pride got signed to Tallanga Motion pictures ( Details here ) Fast forward to January 2022 they two of them kept on releasing freestyles which caught the attention of the media and these are some of the things they were promised ( click here to see the promises that were made to them ).

Dr Nkeng shot a free video for Ego Pride and Yxng Prido

Many people advised both artists to stay together even though they’re not under the same record label and others advised them not to drop singles but a full project ( Album or EP) to fully introduce their genre of music which Ego Pride calls it “Kamer Kossa”.

Ego Pride’s comment under his last publication on facebook reads “this is huge thank you for the love, EP in less than no time” from this wr believe they’re coming with an EP ( Extended play).



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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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