Fan buys a laptop and a pair of shoe for Comedian popularly known as Danny Green FreshKing, 237towncryer


After fighting Depression for sometime Tembu Daniel popularly known as Danny Green FreshKing, 237towncryer returns to the industry and a Fan by name from the origin or Awing bought him a phone and a pair of shoes.

This is 2hat he wrote.

This is an Appreciation post written by Danny Green to the fan.

So far Today is the best day of my year 2020
I’ve been in serious need to open my production house 🏡 I’ve prayed for equipments ally of equipments and today God has started answering my prayer

My Fan My brother my friend my father my guide Mr Mbah Ntiangte De Critic has sent a beautiful sophisticated laptops and an adorable pair of shoes 😭🙌🏻 all the way from America

Thank you so much super King God bless you and replenish you a thousand folds

They say Cameroonians don’t show love or support each other and guess I’m different because I’ve been loved by everyone close to me 😫🙏🏼
The love is too much and I love it 😍🥰
As soon as I set up my place the world is ours believe me✊🏻🇨🇲”.


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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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