“My mistake cost my career, my life, Cameroonians please forgive me” – Gael Enganamouit apologizes


Gael Enganamouit apologizes  “My mistake cost my career, my life, Cameroonians please forgive me”

According to french blog Clap Clap Mag, Former indomitable Lionesses player Gael has finally apologized to Cameroonians after her Lesbian sextape leaked last year 2021 in November.

Some Cameroonians are happy about it while others are asking questions why the government didn’t lock her in jail like they’ve locked other members of the LGBT+ community since it’s a taboo in Cameroon.

On a Facebook post from Clap Clap Mag, they wrote.

Dear brothers and sisters, people of Cameroon, I would start my words with a FORGIVENESS, let’s not say that a child who recognizes his mistakes and promises to be better right a second chance! I admit I disappointed you, I appeal to your mercy; everyone makes mistakes, nobody is perfect or holy! Mine cost me my career, my life, my passion, FOOTBALL, the railroad child I was with many dreams and ambitions, I nurture the desire and hope to go to the end, I know I still have a lot to give to my country! And I would love to have your support and blessings, I’m suffering so much in my chair, my plans didn’t change mqq for my little sisters and national team mates, once again we fell against Nigeria, and this felt so sorry, i really wish they would break this barrier but alas, I would like to congratulate them because they gave everything for the nation.

I hope I will be given the opportunity to bring my experience this hopeful and talented team! Lately I’ve taken time to meditate and ask for forgiveness from the most high and I know he heard me because he doesn’t forsake anyone, he is merciful!

I hope you come back to feeling better about my person! Thank you to all those people who have not stopped supporting me in the last months, thank you for your messages, your advice, your presence

Gaëlle Enganamouit, the railroad girl,the lioness🦁🇨🇲 ” 


Post from Clap Clap Mag Facebook page



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