Tested and Proven ways to escape poverty in Cameroon without a job ( number 3 is a secret)
How to escape poverty in Cameroon without a job
Poverty is rising by the day in Cameroon due to lack of employment, Anglophone Crisis, and inflation, and this has caused many to commit social sins.
Gaining financial independence or escaping poverty is one of the highest achievements most people want in life but many still end up being poor.
What is Poverty in Cameroon ?
Some people believe it’s a mindset, something is a lack of money and some think it’s the lack of food but in this article, Kimbi blog defines poverty as the lack of money.
Join us as we explore these transformative steps that can empower you to conquer poverty and create a brighter future for yourself even without a Job.
5 tested and proven ways to escape poverty in Cameroon without a Job.
1) Quit Laziness and Procrastination:
You sleep the whole day and blame the government or some of your rich family members and friends for not supporting you. Even the Bible says
“do not love sleep or you will grow poor, stay awake and you will have enough food to spare .” – Proverbs 20:13. The Surrest way to escape poverty is to WORK!. Money is considered as a reward for work and without WORK you can’t get it. You’ve set goals but keep procrastinating on when to start working towards them. If I was procrastinating I wouldn’t have posted this article now. Quit procrastination and start executing
2) Leave jobless girls alone, stop visiting Kwasa Kwasa.
When I listen to most rich people talk, one common thing is that they made huge sacrifices in their early days before they became successful. Many sacrificed their pleasure, some sacrificed their sleep… Sacrificing your pleasure at this stage will help you save more money and also make you stay focused. Set financial goals and if you don’t achieve them, don’t reward yourself with any pleasure.
One woman is enough, You’re not King Solomon. Leave other girls alone and focus on your Goals or they’ll separate you from your goals.

3) Stop Betting.
Betting is not a get-rich-quick scheme, I’ve seen many people that betting has moved them from millionaires to zero but I can barely name one person that betting has moved from the streets.

The risk of better is too high, save your money and invest in something meaning where you can manage the risk. Betting is for the rich not the poor.
4) Learn a Skill:
In Cameroon today, government workers complain or bargain prices more than those who work in the private sector or entrepreneurs. Don’t get me wrong, working for the government has its advantages but I don’t think getting a way to escape poverty by the way where are the jobs? Cameroon government has very less job openings and we know how this story always ends.
5) Limit your time on TikTok and follow Business professionals instead.
Stop spending your time watching half-naked ladies on TikTok and following trends that don’t bring you anything.
Have you ever calculated how much you spend on mobile data a day?
Most Cameroonians spend 1/3 of their time online watching videos that don’t add anything to their life. There are entrepreneurs like Dr. Javnyuy Joybert, Investir Au Pays, and many more who constantly dish out business lessons or skills but they don’t get the attention they deserve.
6) Reduce the rate at which you consume alcohol.
Money people drink alcohol when they’ve problems but has alcohol ever solved any problem ? I’ve never seen nor heard. Alcohol only makes you forget your problems for a while and sleep while others are working.
Poverty is in many ways connected to alcohol and impacts all levels from individuals and families to communities and societies in general: Evidence shows: In low- and middle-income countries like Cameroon, the addictive nature of alcohol use tends to crowd out other more productive household spending.
CONCLUSION: Many have tested the above-mentioned and it worked why not you?
Stop using prayer as an excuse not to work. Work hard. It’s an error for your pockets and your brain to be empty. We strongly advise you to focus your time on important things which will bring you profit in the future.

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