“It came to me at the time, just after I scored my first goal “ Roger Milla talks about his iconic celebration

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Roger milla in 1990 World Cup

Amongst other things, Roger Milla is known for his iconic corner flag dance, a celebration he started doing at the 1990 World Cup in Italy.


Roger milla in 1990 World Cup


Participating in the Tournament at 38, Roger Milla performed the famous iconic dance celebration each time he scored for Cameroon in the tournament. He went on to score four goals in the tournament.

When asked about the celebration and how it came about, here is what the African football legend had to say “It came to me at the time, just after I scored my first goal. It was instinctive. I absolutely couldn’t plan to do it before the tournament because I couldn’t know at all if the coach was going to make me play…”, explained Roger Milla.


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