Juju or Curse? Why is it that artists stop popping immediately they leave BGC Melody (Don Julio Bats)?

Juju or Curse? Why is it that artists stop popping immediately they leave BGC Melody (Don Julio Bats)? Even if you don’t agree with me on the fact that every artist that has left DonJulio Bats is on the full decline, is Deenah not very Obvious ?.
Today, I was having a conversation about the music industry and some record labels and one of my friends asked me “Why do artists stop popping after leaving Don Julio Bats ?”.As dumb as this question might be, my friend has a very good point.
His opinion is valid and that’s why I decided to throw it up on the Kimbi blog so Cameroonians can weigh in on this issue.Most artists became irrelevant after they left BGC Melody, he went on to list out some artists that fell off the radar immediately after they left BGC MELODY.• Elie Solo lost it after he left BGC Melody.• Where is Deenah who was one of the most promising artists of 2019 ?.•
Jaye went from 60 to 5 😳I can continue listing them if you want ☹️☹️☹️.Even if we ignore every other artist, this issue of Deenah still gives me nightmares… How she went down still confuse me because it was too fast.Something is not just right nor looks ordinary. Deenah is very talented, everyone expects her to still be able to do great even after her BGC exit but that didn’t happen at all and her becoming irrelevant was just too fast.

Don Julio is a good person according to our findings but why is this happening?No doubt, Don Julio is a good person and he understands the music industry and how to push, manage an artist, and how to run a record ( BGC has existed for over decades), whenever he stops working with an artist, that’s likely the end of that artist as far as being relevant is concerned.
After falling out with Jaye and the others, he picked up Ziiana, Mokom, and Placid and you all can see how they’re popping now. I can bet these artists listed above will also lose it if they leave BGC or stop working with Don tomorrow. Well, let me drop my pen 🖊️ and guys weigh in on this issue.
Here’s my question ❓Why Do artists stop popping immediately after they leave Don Julio Bats or BGC Melody? Juju, Normal thing or Curse?

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