CONFIRMED!!! Ko-c featuring Sarkodie on the Genesis album | DETAILS 


CONFIRMED!!! Ko-c featuring Sarkodie on the Genesis album | DETAILS

Few days ago to the month of April 2022, Ko-c travelled to Nigeria and was seen parading the streets with a camera and a Speaker 🔊. The reason why he was out that day hasn’t been made public yet but many think he went out for street promotion while some say it was a video shoot but we’re yet to confirm that.

Last year 2021, he announced his debut album “The Genesis” and has been giving updates about the album consistently since then, the lastest update on his Facebook page ( march 28th, 2022) says Ghanian rap G O A T Sarkodie has dropped a verse on the album.

Ko-c writes 

“OMG! Sarkodie just dropped his verse!

That’s IT! I’m done! GENESIS is MAD already!”


This is the third time a Cameroonian features Sarkodie but only one of the tracks has been released which was done with Stanley Enow. Sarkodie has another collaboration with music group Ridimz which they said it’ll be released in their album.


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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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