Ko-c signs 100 Million francs deal with Ballantine’s and set record as most paid Cameroonian Artiste for an Endorsement deal ( SEE DETAILS )


Multitalented award winning Cameroonian hit maker, Ko-c has set a new record with his he signs 100 Million francs deal with Ballantine’s

On February 9th 2023, Ballantine’s announced three new brand ambassadors that will represent their company in Cameroon. Ko-c, Mimie and Dj Labastille Premier.

This is another massive stride by Ko-c in the music industry coming a week after he announced his 25 Million francs deal with Magdo Spaghetti Company. See how Ko-c bagged the deal HERE.

In a live presentation in Douala on February 9th 2023, Ko-c was unveiled as the new and MAIN brand ambassador for Ballantine’s.

During a discussion with Ko-c’s team, they revealed that Ko-c’s brand ambassador deal with Ballantine’s is 100 Million CFA ( Monetary)

The duration is yet to be disclosed but this automatically puts Ko-c as the highest paid Artiste in Cameroon as a Brand ambassador . His debut studio album, Genesis will be released on March 10th, 2023.


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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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  1. Ko-c is the most streamed MALE Cameroonian artiste with just 1 song out in 2023 ( see details ) - Kimbi Blog

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