‘Light your fire’ by Jato Sonita hits 160k views in 11days ( watch video )

Entertainment and Arts

On January 27th, 2023 Forest Music artiste JATO SONITA released her first official single titled ‘Light your fire’.

Light Your Fire” is a highly inspirational song to encourage everyone on planet earth not to give up in whatever thing or whatever situation they are going through. “Light Your Fire” is a great song with a deep emotional message that highlights and encourages values like peace, love, perseverance, unity and campaigns against social ills like xenophobia, nepotism, war etc.

The song has gotten many positive remarks than negative and has now gathered 160k views in 9 days

Watch and Enjoy Jato Sonita – Light Your Fire



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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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  1. Biography of Jato Sonita the forest child who is always in plantain leafs - Kimbi Blog

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