

Magasco aka Bamenda boy and founder of   just secured a deal with Orange Cameroon with their new pakage called ” Save your money“.

This special offer from orange Cameroon is meant for those in the North West and South West Regions considering their situation.

Magasco always solicit with his hometown Bamenda when ever there is something wrong there. Remember in 2019 when there was massive killing in the Anglophone section of the country he hosted a show in Yaounde he share his money to the Regions. He had to join hands with the famous footballer FAI COLLINS when CORONA virus started and give aid to some people in Bamenda. Bboy says he loves his people so much and will defend them by all means.

With this you see why he is the only one fit for this offer. Magasco has always have Bamenda in his heart and giving his Nick name Bamenda Boy.

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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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