Mama Atalaku offers 100k frs each to teacher Bih Bih and Faith Fidel | kimbiblog

Entertainment and Arts

Newu Christy Aka Mama Atalaku who is a sex and relationship therapist and counselor offers 200,000 FRS to Faith Fidel and Ndamo Damarise.

Teacher bihbih and Faith fidel

After watching the award-winning Cameroon movie “The Fisherman’s diary”, Mama Atalaku was impressed with their performance in the movie.

She later made a post on her Facebook page telling them to send her their mobile money numbers for ” Shocktalization” of 100,000 frs each.

This is how they were motivated with 100k each.

How will you rate the movie on a scale of 0-5 ?


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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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