Minks Debuts His New Super Car(See pictures)

Entertainment and Arts

Minks Debuts His New Super Car(See pictures)

Rapper MiNk’s debuts his new super car. On his Facebook story, he shares images saying “Thank You God”. Moving to the second slide, he tags the picture “Effort personnel” meaning Personal effort” thus he worked hard before offering himself this Valentine’s Day gift. His car is a black Mercedes CLA Class sedan.


MiNk’s is one of the francophone rappers who has sown his roots and is ripping the benefits.
To add, he recently dropped a new rap song titled “Je m’en moque” on “The Mic” YouTube channel. There, he shows his rap ability. Watch and celebrate his Valentine’s Day gift:


Born on August 19, 1991 in Cameroon, Stéphane Franck aka Mink’s is a rapper from the Eastern region. In the city of Douala, he began writing very catchy texts and was noticed by his friends in the Bonamoussadi district, then Rap fans. Later, he measured himself against others in competitions such as the Mboa Test.

In 2008, while in college, he began composing. His songs are inspired by the facts of society and describe with humor the daily life of Cameroonians.

After his first single “Pantheres” featuring Franko in 2015, he made a name for himself in 2016 by releasing “Le gar la est laid” on Empire Company, a mega hit.

He was influenced by artists such as Youssoupha, Kanye West and Jay Z. Mink’s participates in several rap contests. After his last competition, he signed a contract with Ach4life label.

Finally, His first album was released in 2016 titled “Tranches 2 vie”. Mink’s second album is titled ”Le number”, it was released in 2017. Also, he is inspired by the facts of society and describes with humor what is happening around him.



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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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