“I am more than confident that Mr. Leo will one day win a Grammy after watching “Omale” – George Enow….( Watch here )

Latest Cameroon Music

I am more than confident that Mr. Leo will one day win a Grammy after watching “Omale” Entrepreneur and Music business professional George Enow has dropped his review about Mr. Leo’s new music video for the song “Omale“.

In 2021, Mr. Leo released his debut album as a Spiritual artiste ( he had other projects before this but as an Urban artiste). The album tagged “Lion of Africa(Jeey)” was to solidify him as an Afro-spiritual artiste. The album is made up of 13 songs with the primary language as lãmnso which featured some of the most talented artists on the planet.

So far, Mr. Leo has released the videos of four tracks from the album, and Omale (track 13) makes it five videos from the album and many Cameroonians believe Mr. Leo will one day win a Grammy

The song had an epic video directed by Multi-talented video director Dr. Nkeng Stephens where Mr. Leo reminds Us of the power of dreams and work.


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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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