MTN ZIK Academy Cameroon with Salatiel where four winners will win Cash Price, free production | REGISTER – 2021
Well MTN Cameroon has relaunched their project ‘MTN ZIK academy’ which aims at empowering young Camerooonian artists.
Taking you a few years back, The first edition of ‘MTN ZIK’ held in 2014 where Salatiel emerged winner with his breakout song ” FAP kolo”.
For this year’s edition, MTN has Salatiel as their ambassador and coordinator of the project for 2021.
Later in 2019, Salatiel called out MTN for not handing his cash price and others but it seems like that has been resolved.
For this year 2021s edition, 20 people will be selected and moved into the “MTN ZIK academy” where they’ll under go two weeks training and four winners will be chosen at the end of the competition.
– Do a 60 seconds video freestyling
– Don’t use any sound filter, use your natural voice of any song of your choise

– Download Ayoba
– Send the video to 677715353
– Cash Price
– Production of 1 song each at Alpha ok better Records.
– Promotion on both Nation and International media.
The projects will be managed by Alpha Better records team ( production & Video shoots ) says Salatiel.

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