MUSIC : Ev Ngome Beatrice releases an album Our Refuge and strength | LISTEN NOW


New Album alert: Cameroon’s gospel singer Ev Ngome Beatrice releases a heart touching and timely album, rich in melody and message. Ngome Beatrice who happens to be a mother, wife and Engineer still takes out time to recieve songs and deliver them as the Lord instructs.

She has been in the musical sphere proffessionally since 2014 and this album (Our refuge and strenght) is her third album. Ev Ngome Beatrice met the Lord when she was 13, she began singing in musical college groups and choirs and when she was 18 the Lord Jesus started giving her new songs each time she studies the Word.All songs composed were recieved by Divine inspiration in one pf such moments: while praying, listening to a sermon, meditating alone on scripture, going through a sad experience, when filled with joy and gratitude, as dreams with Angels chanting, also when praying with a specific heavenly call or attention.

Despite the challenges, Ev Ngome Beatrice has been persistent and today we are celebrating her third album. These songs carry a timely message that everyone needs during this trying moments, they are rich in content, quality and melody. She as well released an official video of one of the songs in this album (Riches, wisdom).

This album would bless you and i know it has a message for you at this moment. Grab your copy now and be blessed.

You can grab a copy of this album via the link below:


Don’t forget to subscribe to her youtube channel: 




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Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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