MUSIC :- Sir Derick Danza – Stop the war


The anglophone crisis has been going on for several years now, innocent people are the victims, people been displaced from their homes making life unfavourable for them, others harassed and some even sleep in the streets damn!

This is a call for concern to many Cameroonians including those in the entertainment sector which some held a meeting to focus on the crisis with their art . With the persistent killings in the northwest and southwest region many entertainers have been calling for peace .

Sirderickdanza has also joined his voice to call for piece , he has released a song titled #stopthewar calling on both parties to come into terms with each other and find a lasting solution to the problem . He dedicates this song to the internally displaced people from this two region

Listen to the song here


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Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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