New Job!! Qualified perfume saleswoman for needed


A perfumery located in Anguissa, at a place called carrefour iptek is looking for a qualified perfume saleswoman for its needs.

Missions / Responsibilities / Activities

You will welcome and advise clients;
You will participate in the shelving as well as the establishment of items
You will develop business events and operations;
You will participate in the commercial animation of the department to make it attractive;
You will guarantee the optimization and proper execution of merchandising;
You will keep the point of sale clean;
You will manage inventory management.
Skills / Requirements / Qualities

Have a good presentation;
Be smiling and have excellent interpersonal skills;
Have good speech;
Passionate about perfumery and sales,
Mastery and perfect knowledge of the store’s products,
Mastery of sales techniques,
Sense of contact and persuasion,
Excellent presentation and quality of speech,
Organization, thoroughness and friendliness,
Dynamic and highly motivated.
Candidate profile

Experience level:  Experienced

Application documents
Curriculum vitae
CNI photocopy
Application instructions
Send or drop off these documents to the following addresses: [email protected]  /  [email protected]  or rue Tam Tam opposite Neptune Yaoundé station. Telephone: 222 313 063

Deadline: February 15, 2021 at 3 p.m


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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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