OMG!!! Mr Leo shares his secret on how upcoming artist can blow easily

Entertainment and Arts

As we all know Mr Leo is one of the most Renowned artists’ in Camerooon with a very big dream. He has a lot of experience and his advice surely has a lot to learn from.

Here is his advice 👇

“Dear Young Creatives,

Don’t start your career today and expect to hit today. You need to build your career. It takes time, hard work, sacrifice, consistency and God.

When you see an artist with a viral hit in the market, it’s not by chance; go back to their history and check out how much time and work they’ve put in to be where they are at that moment.


Note: Legends are not born; Legends are made. 

Luck is when opportunity meets preparedness.Work on yourself and your art so that when an opportunity pops up, you’d be ready enough to grab it and make the best of it.

What new think have you learned from it ?



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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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