[OPEN LETTER TO FHISH] There’s Difference Between Talent, Grace and Time. ( Must read )

Entertainment and Arts

Fhish the ruler of “Gophmen” came into the music scene in 2018 and the buzz around him was average untill he released Antikiru which caught the attention of many. As well all know he is very talented with.oje of the best studio projects in 2020 – “I’m Camerooon EP”.

He made a very promising intro in “Antikiru” ( his second song).
I’m the biggest sensation in Cameroon music, I got the baddest crew, I got the biggest label, you all need to let me into this, I got the baddest team to back me up…” and many people are still holding on to it.
We’ve seen similar cases every year where talents show up, enjoy massive support and streams and disappear.

“Soldiers go come, soldiers go go but Barrack no dey shake!” That’s just the bitter truth about life especially in the music industry as competition is high and new talents arising.


Dear Fhish No one would want to f##k or associate with a struggling nigga and we hope you understand that since you’ve been on the streets.

Your music is kind of different, your style and voice is unique nevertheless, we’ve seen artists with different vibes faded in the space of the calendar. Where is Franko ? He has the biggest song ever in Camerooon but he is no where to be found.

The moment you become inconsistent, you’re gradually shifting to the end of your spotlight. I guess you saw the way Vernyuy Tina had to fight before coming back. When people are Showing you love and support, It’s time for you to step out of your comfort zone and go back to the studio. The gophmen is gradually shifting and turning it’s back on you. We also want to remember you that when you go down in Camerooon, rising is like an impossibility.

We hope you read and understand this is just to remind you the type of industry you’re in, how far you’ve come and what will take you to where you’re going to.

What are your thoughts about this open letter to Fhish ?


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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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