POWWA FESTIVAL : Proud of who we are festival happens to be the first Cameroon festival in UK and diaspora | DETAILS HERE.

Entertainment and Arts

POWWA FESTIVAL :  Proud of who we are festival happens to be the first Cameroon festival in the UK and diaspora which will hold every year.

POWWA FESTIVAL stands for “Proud of who we are festival” Produced by;





What is POWWA FESTIVAL all about ?

POWWA Festival is an annual platform dedicated to promoting the culture of Cameroon to the wider international audience.

The POWWA platform strives to promote the diversity of Cameroon’s culture through music , film and art. POWWA is a co-production between concert and festival promoters with years of experience in delivering art and music events around the world.


The POWWA platform is the first festival dedicated to putting Cameroonian art and music first while exporting Cameroonian culture and

heritage. Each year, POWWA Festival will invite creatives from all over Cameroon and the rest of the world. A performance platform to showcase Cameroonian A-list and upcoming talents, of all arts and musical genres, to a wider global audience will be provided. The festival aims to be the best resource platform for Cameroonian creatives to break the international barriers and infiltrate the mature global market of African art and music.

The first edition of POWWA Festival will feature artists (solo and groups), bands, and performers to join thousands of music fans in 2 of UK’s biggest cities , London and Birmingham, in the summer of June 2022.


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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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  1. POWWA FESTIVAL press conference in Douala, What Happened ? | SEE DETAILS - Kimbi Blog

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