Profiling | Biography of Gashu Miya,

Entertainment and Arts

Special spotlight profile Gashu Miya

Hello Kimbi blog supporter, it’s Sunday and you know what we’ve got on the table for you, today our discovery is Gashu Miya and without waiste of time, let’s get to know him.

Gashu Miya is a Cameroon Gospel artist who originated from the Mankon, Northwest region with birth names Nde Chaow Fidelis. He was born and raised in Bamenda and later moved to the south west region for greener pastures.

He started music in 2003 as a secular music artist and accepted Christ in 2010. Gashu has backed multiple awards to his name as a Gospel artist and has two amazing in the market now.

“Edi trowey” and “Nyang Nyang” has been two powerful hits in the Gospel music scene and many have testified it’s a blessing to them.

Apart from music, Gashu is an actor and a Director. He has directed three movies and has acted in many as well.

WATCH “Nyang Nyang”

To know more follow him :-
Facebook Gashu Miya

Youtube : Gashu Miya


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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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