VIDEO: “Y’all put together an amazing record, I’m sending in $10,000(6M frs)” – Rick Ross to Tzy Panchak ( watch) 

Rick Ross promises to give Tzy Panchak 10,000 dollars


After Blu Nation Singer, Etah Tambe Nyentiwhi popularly known as Tzy Panchak  released his promotion song for American wine, Belaire which is owned by Brett Berish, he announced an Instagram Live interview with American Rapper Rick Ross.

Rick Ross is a popular American rapper who is a brand ambassador of Belaire. In March 2023, the multimillionaire & talented rapper, Rick Ross followed Tzy Panchak on Instagram and gave him a shoutout on his Instagram story.

Speaking in the live video on April 16th 2023, Rick Ross appreciated the newly released Tzy Panchak collaboration with Vivid, Phido, J KREE, Vancy & Cleo Grae titled  “SELF MADE (BELAIRE)“.

“Y’all put together an amazing record” – Rick Ross said

“I’m sending in $10,000, Men I wanna keep supporting in the big scope of things it’s not about the money, it’s not much but it’s just about giving back to those who rock with us” – Rick Ross to Tzy Panchak 

“I’ll look forward to when I come over there, may be we can collaborate put together a dope record” – Rick Ross Added .

Watch the video below 👇

Reactions from Cameroon fans on social media.

Agbor John: Much love from Biggest Boss RickRoss but why panchak cover eyes when boss himself didn’t?

Mackash Chima Ekoti: Aow that sounds good

Tokoss Slimmy: You guys are going higher

Kubana Makavill: That tzy panchak yi own and crew na surly made in Mboppi 😂😂 more grace bruh

Rud Drick: Very impressive!

Raymad Nkeh: Is not about the money yoo why y’all showing dude ..don’t listen on this part ma men ..we all here for the bitch ass damn dollars yoo 💵💵💵💵✌️✌️


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Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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