Samuel Eto’o donates 30 million to Garoua lamidat to construct a mosque

Entertainment and Arts

Samuel Eto’o donates 30 million to Garoua lamidat to construct a mosque. On June 19th, 2022 FECAFOOT president Samuel Eto’o visited Garoua and donated the sum of 30 million to Garoua lamidat.

Visiting Garoua as part of the play offs of the championship, Samuel Eto’o Fils, president of the Fecafoot, made a hook to the lamidat of Garoua. In the absence of the host, Sa Majesté Ibrahim Elrachidini on a pilgrimage to Mecca, Eto’o spoke with the College of Notables. He thanked the Northern Region and the Garoua lamidat for the blessings received during the election campaign for Fecafoot  presidency. Samuel Eto’o donated 30 million frs. This is his contribution, he said, for the construction of the city’s grand mosque. Eto’o who considers himself a “son” of Garoua because his mum revealed, got pregnant with him while living there with her husband who worked there for 15 years, says he’s proud to be “home”.


The president of the Fecafoot also went to present his civics to the Governor of the North Jean Abate Edi’i who oversees the playoffs. The competition starts tomorrow with the Eding-Canon and Astres-Coton semifinals.

Source : Cameroon Tribune 

Years have gone by since Samuel Eto’o and his foundation started helping people, built a unit at Laquintine Hospital in Douala and done a lot of Charity works.



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