Should you prepare for every year that comes as a musician?

Entertainment and Arts

should you prepare for every year that comes as a musician?

Failed promo strategy
Poor interaction
Poor branding
Poor marketing
Lack of collaboration

It’s a normal fact that every year comes with new energy and new challenges, that is why as a good businessman you must be able to work with the challenges and energy every year brings and try to improve on yourself as a businessman. A musician needs to work on new year strategies as patterns to your music and your career, before every year ends you must have made success and faced some challenges in your career and it’s in must in your best interest to correct the wrongs in your career

could you prepare for every year that comes as a musician?

Failed promo strategy
Poor interaction
Poor branding
Poor marketing
Lack of collaboration

It’s a normal fact that every year comes with new energy and new challenges, that is why as a good businessman you must be able to work with the challenges and energy every year brings and try to improve on yourself as a businessman.A musician needs to work on new year strategies as patterns to your music and your career, before every year ends you must have made success and faced some challenges in your career and it’s in must in your best interest to correct the wrongs in your career , like I always say every mistake should make you learn and improve on you music . There are some aspects in music that must be considered and improve on every year .

Promo strategy , there are some strategies that some Cameroonian Artistes used that has ruined their careers in one way or the other , every year as a focus artist try to look at some of the strategies you used the previous year and work on them, work with the successes of others in the field of promotion and the artiste who have succeeded in the previous year . Dueling on the same strategy will only crown you a failure at the end because every body likes change and I will say everyone and everything needs to change as time changes , this I will tell you is one of the main reasons behind the success of every established artist today.

They say traveling is learning so to meeting new people and making new acquaintances is also very important in the life of any musician . Your interactions spells so much about you and will always define the level of your success in music , every year as an artist learn to interactive both online and offline as this will help you gain more fan base and you might not know who is following you help can come from the way you behave and interact .

Music is branding , as an artist don’t duel on the same old branding strategies you used , always learn to be creative work on your brand , the world is changing and things are evolving so you to should people now focus on brands ,

, like I always say every mistake should make you learn and improve on you music. There are some aspects in music that must be considered and improve on every year .

Promo strategy , there are some strategies that some Cameroonian Artistes used that has ruined their careers in one way or the other , every year as a focus artist try to look at some of the strategies you used the previous year and work on them , work with the successes of others in the field of promotion and the artiste who have succeeded in the previous year . Dueling on the same strategy will only crown you a failure at the end because every body likes change and I will say everyone and everything needs to change as time changes , this I will tell you is one of main reasons behind the success of every established artist today’

They say traveling is learning so to mee’ting new people and making new acquaintances is also very important in the life of any musician . Your interactions spells so much about you and will always define the level of your success in music , every year as an artist learn to interactive both online and offline as this will help you gain more fan base and you might not know who is following you help can come from the way you behave and interact.

Music is branding, as an artist don’t duel on the same old branding strategies you used , always learn to be creative work on your brand, the world is changing and things are evolving so you to should people now focus on brands,


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Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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