Special Spotlight profile: Biography, real names, age and more of Pandita njoh ( Kimbi blog special sunday )


Pandita Njoh Ekun Eta is an international worship leader whose Kingdom vision expands beyond praise and worship with a passion to see lives, hearts, and people changed.

Pandita has been leading praise and worship for over 15 years, supporting both her home church and various ministries Nationally and internationally.

She started music professionally in 2012 upon her arrival in the US. She was opportune to worked on her first project which was a single titled “Life don better”. A few of the tracks include “Testimony“, “No other Name” and “Nothing else matters” which are currently being played around the world.

She is the founder of Valid Dreams charity Initiative, a project which embodies what it means to experience the love of Christ not only through worship, but also through community outreaches back in her home country Cameroon, supporting mission efforts, and partnering with organizations that share a similar vision “I believe that love is the greatest of all (1 C orinthians chapter 13 verse 13),

Her works in the music industry has been overwhelming with amazing songs, humanitarian works.

Here are some of her songs.

To know more follow her on social media
Facebook : Pandita Njoh
Instagram: @OfficialPanditaNjoh
Youtube : CLICK HERE

To promote here Contact us: [email protected] or +237 671283217


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