Tech Entrepreneur Pemwoya Bryan launches a New App #TourCMR to help people travelling

Entertainment and Arts

TourCMR has the main goal which is at Promoting and developing tourism in Cameroon. It is a mobile app that takes you around Cameroon in just a few minutes.

        ‍Pemwoya Bryan

It is a well-structured Tour guide app which has over 40+ touristic sites from all over Cameron classified under the different towns with descriptions, directions, and cost estimate for every touristic site. You will find the best sites to visit for each town along with nearby hotels and restaurants in just a few clicks. You can as well read and review feedback from other tourists in order to effectively choose your touristic site.

Plan your next trip to Cameroon using the TourCMR mobile app.

Features Include

Social Media Sign-In: TourCMR uses social media sign-in like Google Sign In, Facebook Sign In, Apple Sign In for iOS and also has the skip sign-in feature where users can access the app without signup.

Multi-language Support: TourCMR Supports multiple languages such as English and French which are Cameroon’s official languages for both local and online data.

Step by Step Travel Guide: TourCMR provides a Map view between source & destination for every touristic site with estimated cost, the distance between the two places, and step by step travel guides with the cost for all available Touristic site on the app.

Sites Categorized Under Cities: TourCMR uses the various towns in Cameroon as categories to classify the different touristic sites according to the towns which helps the users to easily search and locate touristic sites at different parts of the Country.

Travel Blog: TourCMR has a blog section that enables users to read articles about the history and culture of Cameroon. The blog section is interactive as it enables users to comments, and a bookmark feature to save and read their favorite articles.

• Find Nearby Hotels & Restaurants. TourCMR helps users to easily locate nearby hotels and restaurants near every Touristic site with few taps. You will have a Map View of all nearby Hotels & Restaurants at every Touristic site very easily on the app.



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Contact Info
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +237 670654462
TourCMR Explore Africa In Miniature.




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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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