Ten (10) types of people you will meet on Valentine’s day!

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Ten types of people you will meet on Valentine’s day.

Hello Kimbi blog Happy Valentine’s day In Advance!

As it is Val’s day you know there will be different kinds of people you’ll meet. Here are the 10 different types you’ll meet today!


1) Broke with Messages

Some broke guys who are Caring will always send a lot of sweet Messages to their Girlfriends on Val’s day, they keep atleast 24 Messages to send every hour of the day.

2) The Wash turn Turn boys and girls, Them go receive gifts here an there and some might even exchange the gift they received to give another bae I wash hand for wuna.

3) The ones who can’t step out!
Some are afraid of their parents while work will hold some people behind. They’re some jobs who don’t give you anytime to ball so you must go to work on Val’s day.

For the ones who fear their parents you already know what will happen the next day 🤣 so they will stay at home angry!

4) The Borrowers, some people really have no shame! They will borrow a gift from a friend or family then repackage and gift to their bae.

At times I see it as real love ( Val’s day recycling 🤣)

5) The ones Expecting gift or Val’s day treat
Some people are fond of expecting Val’s day gift as if them go die if they no receive am.

At times things are hard and I don’t think a relationship is all about one day. You guys should chill and wait for better days.

6)The White and Red gang

This is the highest day people wear white and red the color combined in dresses cause red signify love.

7) Religious people whom consider the bible as their love.

Some people are going to tell you Valentine’s day is evil and they can’t celebrate it.

I don’t know which verse in the bible but some people are like that.

8) The ones who only have s*x to offer as gift.

It’s like when they hear Valentine’s day the first thing that comes to their mind is S*X and they forget they’re a lot of gifts out there.

9) The Ones with No bae.

On Valentine’s day, some people have no serious relationship, they use Ashawo to cover up.

Valentine’s day is all about love not s*x, if it were a s*x day then Ashawo will do.

10) The Very Romantic ones.

This ones are love doctors 😍.

They’re serious lovers that when you see their partners you will want them to love you.

This gender knows how to package gifts and take care of their partners, they will do everything to satisfy them.

Which gender do you know that was supposed to be here ?


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