Teni’s full interview in Cameroon at Nabstar TV

Entertainment and Arts

An interview was conducted with Nigerian star girl Teni yesterday at Nabstar TV and this is a summary of it incase you missed it.

It was around 11 PM on march 5th.
Teni recieved her own Africa Represented parcel with lots of love and promised go share Salatiel’s album to the world.

She gave her own experience with Cameroonians and said they’re “party animals” meaning they love to party so much.

She was asked to name her favorite Cameroon artist and she named “Daphne & Locko” and said she will like a Featuring with Daphne.

With regards to Askia’s current situation, Joan Ngomba of Dcoded tv asked her what advise can she give Askia and here are her words “hey beautiful, for the body shaming , you were created in this special way by God, even twins that look alike don’t behave the same so everyone has something to say about you. Embrace and love yourself because no man will love you if you don’t live yourself. I hope you find peace and realize that you’re beautiful.

Her main aim in Cameroon is to celebrate the partnership deal with Beto’o and PMUC.

She always discussed some more important things and you can watch it below:-

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Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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