Things you must do to succeed as an upcoming artist in Cameroon [ The fifth point will thrill you  ]

Entertainment and Arts

Things you must do to succeed as an upcoming artist in Cameroon [ The fifth point will thrill you  ]

Cameroon music industry is full of young talents trying to pave a way with their sound but it’s always crazy hustling to make it big in the industry.

I have decided to share with you my experience and some secrets that will push you ahead of other upcoming artist.


As an upcoming artiste, frustration will come after years of putting in so much effort to no good results. Some will give up but I’ll advice you to always encourage yourself having in mind most big artist didn’t get there by luck!


This is a very important aspect of music. As an upcoming artist you should work more on your rhymes, mixing and mastering of your art.
Make sure you work with a studio that has better equipments and with a Semi-prilofessional who will mix and master your art.

2) GET A SLOGAN ( voice logo).

You think this Mr Leo and Locko were dumb before giving themselves
“Oueeeh” and “Yema ” ? These are some popular slogans from our top artist in the music industry.
This identifies them and also distinguishes them from other artist, get something unique for your brand.


You need Promotion to get your requires audience, get your songs on radio, TV stations, Mixtapes, DJ’s to place it on their mixtape.
Never forget to promote your song on strong blogs like 237showbiz, Bimstr, Kimbi blog and many others.
“Even real talents still need Promotion”


Nowadays all labels want artist who are independently successful, why not give yourself even a 100k Youtube views before hustling for a deal ? That way the label respects you more.

5) Humble and I will say being humble has never killed anyone. When you’re humble, People turn to love you more and Support your works. Humble yourself you never know tomorrow.


Try to always make two plans so if one fails you’ll use the other, it is true stunts have helped a lot of artist rise but it has also killed a lot of careers.
You need to be very careful with the kind of stunts you create and also it’s good if you work with media platforms on it.


I will say this as many times and I can, You might be as talented as Michael Jackson but you will go no where everyone is out to make money and they cannot keep pushing you for free. You need to have a source of income which you’ll use to fuel your career, that way it makes it easier and faster to blow.

Thank you for reading! Do you agree to the points ? Pls leave us a comment

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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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